2010 California College of the Arts, Master of Fine Arts, Sculpture
2002 Rhode Island School of Design, Bachelor of Fine Arts, Glass
2001 Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, Semester Exchange
2013 A Willing Transfer of Belief: Michelle Blade and Hillary Wiedemann, Johansson Projects, Oakland, CA
2012 Afterimage, Macarthur B Arthur, Oakland, CA
2021 The View from Above/Below, Heaven Gallery, Chicago, IL
2017 A Field Guide to the Stars, Ballarat International Foto Biennale, Ballarat Municipal Observatory and Museum, Australia
One: Juried Emerging Artist Exhibit, Cleve Carney Art Gallery, College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn, IL
Hiding in Plain Sight, Chicago Artists Coalition
2016 Gluggave∂ur/Window Weather, SÍM Gallery, Reykjavik, Iceland
Islands of the Sun, Chicago Artists Coalition
BYOB Chicago IV, Mana Contemporary Chicago, Chicago, IL
Art Forms in Flux, Hairpin Arts Center, Chicago, IL
Whereabouts, Glazenhuis, Lommel, Belgium
Slow Zoom, Fernwey Gallery, Chicago, IL
2015 New Normal Three, New Normal Brewery, Oakland, CA
2014 White Hot Lamp Black, Southern Exposure, San Francisco, CA
2013 Night Light: Multimedia Garden Party, SOMArts Cultural Center, San Francisco, CA
SPACE TIME, Center for Contemporary Art, Sacramento, CA
2012 House Show, S.H.E.D. Projects offsite exhibition, Oakland, CA
DocumentO, Krowswork, Oakland, CA
Shattered, Keys that Fit, Oakland, CA
2011 Re-Search, Paragraph + Project Space, Kansas City, MO
In the Common Corner of Four Rooms, Statler Waldorf Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
No Dialogue, ArtPadSF at the Phoenix Hotel, San Francisco, CA
Cream, From the Top, The Performance Art Institute, San Francisco, CA
2010 Shadowshop(invited by Stephanie Syjuco to be a participating artist), SFMOMA, San Francisco, CA
(…), Macarthur B Arthur, Oakland, CA
Reinterpretation, Candystore Collective, San Francisco, CA
MFA Thesis Exhibition, California College of the Arts, San Francisco, CA
2009 Conflation, PLAySPACE Gallery, San Francisco, CA
The Secret of the Ninth Planet, Queens Nails Projects and Photo Epicenter, San Francisco, CA
Human Craters, BRIC Rotunda Gallery, Brooklyn, NY
2016 SÍM Residency (Association of Icelandic Visual Artists), Reykjavik, Iceland
2015-16 Hatch Projects, Chicago Artists Coalition
2015 ACRE, Steuben, WI
California College of the Arts
San Francisco State University
University of Wisconsin, Madison
L’Heureux, Suzanne, "White Hot Lamp Black," Shotgun Review in Art Practical and Daily Serving, 2/22/14.
Quick, Genevieve. "Michelle Blade and Hillary Wiedemann: A Willing Transfer of Belief at Johansson Projects," Temporary Art Review, 5/10/13.
Greer, Larissa Erin. "Hillary Wiedemann Chases After the Sun,", 4/5/13.
Harbour, Aaron. documentO review, Artcards Review, 6/30/12.
Hemenway, Dana. "Afterimage," Art Practical, 3/11/12.
Hotchkiss, Sarah. "Afterimage," Art Practical, 3/11/12.
Im, Jackie. (…) Exhibition Catalogue, 2010.
Self, Dana. “The art of exploration at Paragraph Gallery,” The Kansas City Star, December 8, 2011.
Beltran, JD. “Pay Attention,” San Francisco Chronicle, May 14, 2010.